Babies born June 8th 2005
If you are interested in a puppy from this litter please
fill out our questionnaire below!

Click on the parents to go to their page

Puppies at 3 weeks old and their first day of weaning...

Can you say Adorable!!! Princess Fawn boy Blue snoozing hard
Hello did you forget about me? Blue Hoochie

Who said Pedro was Napoleons best friend... looks like Kip to me

Fawnduh as Jamie calls her.. Napoleon dreaming of Ligers Lafawnduh and Chewy
I'm such a princess I need to be rocked to sleep, but how could you say no to a face like that. Princess and Kip
I like to hide    

Our first weaning experience!!!

Where did the food go, I wasn't done! Yes the food is good but I love my bubba That was GOOOOD!!!!!
You ask us if that was good, HELLO look at our faces....... Duh
  Kip the neat one  



2 week to 2.5 weeks

Click here for newborn pics

We are very excited about this litter, both dam and sire are wonderful examples of the breed type.
This is our first line breeding on our own line.
Thanks to Pam Lenahan, Justinlove Mastiffs and Donna & Jess Bahlman, Old School Mastiffs
 for your guidance, we are very anxious to see the type on these babies.
This litter is Co Bred with Jamie Neilson and Kathy and Al Lohr

Puppy Questionaire
If you are interested in a puppy please contact us through our puppy application form below.




Do you have other pets?  

Where are you located?

Why do you want a mastiff? 

Do you have a fenced yard?

Are you looking for a show dog or companion?

Are you open to a home visit?


Give us a call for more information on this litter
Allison Bauer
 Mesa, Az