D.O.B 11-15-02
Ch. Erieside's Gothic Yes Jack X JustinLove Mars Bar

MF-6108G27M-PI HIPS Mar 4 2005 27 GOOD
MF-EL2954M27-PI ELBOW Mar 4 2005 27 NORMAL
PRA DNA Clear by Parentage
Patella Normal- pending OFA #
Cardiac Normal pending OFA#

Farley is my big goofball, he has more personality than any other Mastiff I have ever met.  He has to be the center of attention at all times and when he's not he lets you know it.  I picked him out at a few days old. I had no intention of keeping a male but, he stole my heart. I gave him the whelping box name Farley after the late Chris Farley because he was  so chubby and had such a silly demeanor even at a few weeks old. His whelping box name just stuck and fit him so well I couldn't change it to "Kid" as planned.  He is the light of my life and my " Once in a life time" pet, he is more like my third child.  Farley did very well at the MCOA National Specialty in April present.  Placing 2nd in Bred By Exhibitor and 3rd in Senior Sweeps. After a long hot summer we started showing again and finished him with all points from the Bred by Exhibitor class Saturday Nov. 20th.  Out of 6 shows in two weekends he took winners dog 5 out of 6 days.  He is DesertKnight Mastiffs Newest Champion. 
Click here for show photo's.

Farley at 14 months

We are very proud, Farley received
his Championship points from
 the Bred by Class!
Farley has been invited to the
 Eukanuba National Championships
in Tampa Florida in January 2006!

Farley 24 months above
 Click for Farley's Theme song.
"American Bad Ass"By Kid Rock


Farley's Pedigree

Pedigree for Ch. DesertKnight's America BadAZZ
Fawn Born Nov 15th 2002
Farley's baby pictures

Ch. Erieside's Gothic Yes Jack
Ch. Greco's Titan I Did It My Way
Ch. Greco's Hollesley Rogue
Greco's Saint Gertrude
Pallone's Sweet and Sassy Hazel
Ch. Arcinieiga's Sweet Willie
Pallone's Crowning Glory
JustinLove Mars Bar
Old School's Handsome Harley D
Old School's Tinagel's Blake
Ch. Old School's Lady Portia
Ch. JustinLove's Heaven Sent
Ch. Old School's Seargent Major
JustinLove My Sweet Abigail



Allison & Butch Bauer


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DesertKnight Mastiffs prohibited without prior written consent.
web Design, hosting, graphics and maintenance by :DesertKnight Designs