Ch. Erieside Gothic Yes Jack X JustinLove Mars Bar born 11-15-02 Tommy gets his first Win in Oct 2003 at 11 months old! Tommy @ 7 weeks Tommy resides with his Sire Jack and New mom Lisa of Gothic Mastiffs. He is the Puppy the stud owner decided on. He looks just like his daddy at that age. He was formerly known as Spongebob The name spongebob was fitting, his favorite thing to do is swim, he
and his dad Jack Go swimming three times a week . Tommy runs in and
plops down on the lift and dives in. He swims at
Canine Physical Rehabilitaion of the
Southwest . also New Begining Mastiffs. It's much to hot
for any other form of exercise in the desert this time of year. Swimming
is very good exercise for a growing mastiff pup.
I like this box thing Tommy Practicing for his upcoming match!
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